
Did you try really hard for Tera Items

Perhaps it is really not a big deal. It’s just a birthday. Your son already had three, and surely he would have many in the future. So what’s the big deal for one time to screw it up? Perhaps this meeting is really important, and you simply couldn’t afford to blow it. But is this last minute bad faith really necessary? Would it bother you too much to tip me off that something came up and you couldn’t send his birthday cake to the kindergarten? Did I have to find out this when his teacher called and there was nothing I can do about it?

Perhaps it really meant nothing to you, but it meant so much for a 4-year-old boy. He has been expected this moment for nearly a week. Especially now, he is still a New in kindergarten, and there is so much he needs to adapt. I hope this birthday party could somehow help him adjusting, help him to make new friends. And now I don’t know how to answer his teacher’s question, and I don’t know how to look into his eyes when he came back.  
The day before yesterday, because he is caught up lying by his teacher, you lectured him about being honest, and you went on and on how a man should always keep his words. And today you just failed him. Perhaps in your eyes, family doesn’t count. Fail a family doesn’t count. So you failed him, just like so many times you failed me. But he is just four years old, and you can’t expect him to understand the difference.
You asked me: “What’s more important? A deal or a cake? ” Honestly, I don’t know, but I know A Father Should Try Harder.
And asked yourself: Did you try really hard?

Days ago, a little boy asked her mother: “Mum, what are we going to do?”
Her mother said: “It’s time for bed, so we sleep”
He continued his question:” We sleep and then what we do next?”
“Then we get up and go to kindergarten.”
“Then what?”
“Then you back home and play.”
“Then what?”
“Then you go to bed again.”
“Then we get up and it’s Friday!” said the boy eagerly.
Now I don’t know how to look into his eyes.

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