
I noticed almost right away in combat

  One of the things I noticed almost right away in combat was that combos were most definitely situational. As a sorcerer, one of the first combos I got was an arcane trap sort of thing and flame column, which is literally a column of flames that's casted in front of your character's body. Usually when you're setting a trap, you'd move out of the radius of that trap before the monsters get there to continue kiting.

The KOBT (Korean Open Beta Test) is the first TERA test open to the general Korean public. The test comes after three closed beta tests and a closed server stress test. Players were able to make their characters, join a guild and add friends during an OBT pre-selection period beginning on December 30th and ending on January 8th. During this time, servers were capped at around 5,000 players per-server and 27 servers in total were opened. After the launch of the test, the servers will re-open for new character creation.

